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Cetacean Collection

Whales, Dolphin and Porpoise make up the grouping of Cetacea. These amazing creatures are mammals which have through evolution made water their chosen medium to live. They have adapted perfectly for their environment, changing certain body features to suit this and yet like us they still breathe from the surface.

I have always been amazed by these similarities and how vastly intelligent, social and charismtaic these creatures are in terms of strong family relationships they hold and language/ communication.


I have been fortunate to work /encounter  (in the wild) with these amazing mammals in many areas of the world but predominantly most of my work has been within New Zealand and my home waters off Scotland.


I have utilised my underwater marine photography while working for a Dolphin watch/swim company, which allowed me to photograph our encounters onboard & underwater. I do lots of work in my time off and have been very blessed to encounter some unbelievable species from Blue Whale, Orca, Humback Whales, Pseudorca and various types/pods of Dolphin.


As mentioned in my Bio - my work has been used to help researchers learn more on certain species and I am a strong advocate for cetaceans to be encountered in the wild and 100% against captivity. I therefore feel privileged to share encounters in the wild with these creatures and hope my photography instills the crucial need to view naturally and not captive in establishments.



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